Application Questions
2024 Empower Awards
Entrant Details
Your first and last name
Your contact email address
Your contact mobile number
Which category are you applying for?
Have you applied to the Empower Awards previously?
If so, in which year did you apply?
How did you hear about the Empower Awards?
Social media
Existing WIM follower
Word of Mouth
Online search engine
Confirmation that Entrant has read, understood and agrees to the Empower Awards Terms & Conditions and Wheels in Motion Privacy Policy.
Application Questions – Innovation
What is your organisation’s name?
Briefly describe the problem you are solving and how (max. 200 words)
How would you use the Empower Awards prize money?
Research & Development
Pre-seed or seed funding
Working capital
Funding for specific project or initiative
Grant funding (to another individual or organisation)
Please provide further details about how you would use the prize money
Application Questions – Community
What is your organisation’s name?
Briefly describe the problem you are solving and how (max. 200 words)
How would you use the Empower Awards prize money?
Research & Development
Pre-seed or seed funding
Working capital
Funding for specific project or initiative
Grant funding (to another individual or organisation)
Please provide further details about how you would use the prize money
Application Questions – Individual
Describe your relationship to the beneficiary of the funding
You are the beneficiary
Organisation applying on behalf of the beneficiary
Individual applying on behalf of the beneficiary
What is the beneficiary’s full name?
How old is the beneficiary?
0-17 years old
18-29 years old
30-39 years old
40-59 years old
60+ years old
Briefly describe the problem you are solving and how (max. 200 words)
Provide further details about how you would use the prize money
If you are an organisation applying on behalf of the beneficiary only, please also complete the following
What is your organisation’s name?
Describe your organisation
For profit
Social enterprise
How many people are in your organisation
1-2 people
2-5 people
5-20 people
20+ people
Please provide your ABN or ACNC number
What is the primary activity of your organisation
Service provider
Product manufacturer
Technology provider
Advocacy body
Consultancy or Advisory Body
Funding body
In which sector does your organisation work?
Arts & culture
What does your organisation do in one or two sentences?
Link to your organisation’s website